healthcare worker talking to senior woman

What is Hospice Care?

Hospice care focuses on enhancing the quality of life for individuals nearing the end of their lives. It involves a holistic treatment of the person, addressing not only the physical symptoms of an illness but also attending to emotional, spiritual, and social needs. This care is provided by a team of professionals, including doctors, nurses, social workers, and home health aides, all working together to ensure comfort and dignity for the patient.

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When is it Time for Hospice Care?

Hospice care is typically considered when a person’s life expectancy is six months or less. It is an option when curative treatments are no longer effective or desired, and the focus shifts to quality of life and comfort in the remaining time.

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How to Choose a Hospice Provider

Choosing the right hospice provider involves considering several factors, such as the quality of care, the range of services provided, the team’s expertise, and compatibility with the patient’s needs and values. Conduct thorough research, seek recommendations, and possibly interview multiple providers to find the best fit.

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Paying for Hospice

Hospice care can be funded through various sources, including Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, and sometimes through charitable foundations. Each source has specific eligibility criteria and coverage details, which should be understood clearly to make informed decisions.

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End-of-Life Planning

End-of-life planning in hospice care includes discussions and arrangements regarding patients’ preferences for their final days and hours. This can cover medical care decisions, identifying a healthcare proxy, and discussing wishes regarding resuscitation and life support.

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Funeral Planning

Funeral planning within hospice care involves helping the patient and their loved ones make arrangements for after the patient’s passing. This can include deciding on the type of funeral, burial, or cremation preferences and any specific rituals or ceremonies the patient wishes to have.

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At Lifetime Hospice Care, Inc., patients are cared for by an interdisciplinary team of professionals.

Medical Director

The Hospice Medical Director plays a pivotal role in the hospice team by collaborating with other members and the patient’s primary physician to expertly manage the patient’s discomfort and symptoms.

Attending Physician

The attending physician refers patients to hospice while continuing as the patient’s primary care physician and working as a hospice team member.

Registered Nurse

Registered Nurses are trained in palliative care and pain management. They collaborate with patients to ensure their comfort and quality of life. Additionally, they are responsible for educating family members on providing better care for their loved ones.

Certified Nursing Assistant

Nursing assistants are present to offer patients bathing, personal hygiene, and comfort care.

Medical Social Worker

Medical Social Workers offer counseling to individuals and families coping with terminal illness. They facilitate communication, arrange caregiver support, and help with financial and legal matters.

Hospice Chaplain

Chaplains offer spiritual counseling, plan services, and serve as clergy for all faiths in the community.

Bereavement Counselor

Bereavement counselors provide various services to help families understand and cope with grief.

Hospice Volunteer

Hospice volunteers provide compassionate support through respite care and friendly visits for patients and their loved ones.